It has come to light over recent years that one of the key reasons Critical Illness claims can be rejected is because the policy holder did not supply the full information relating to a previous illness when the initial cover was taken out.
Though there are occasions when a fraudulent claim will be made through intentional withholding of information, the key reason for such a rejection is largely due to the policy applicant being unaware that information they considered unrelated to their new cover was actually relevant and should have been disclosed at the outset. The Observer article regarding Nic hughes rejected claim could be considered an example of this..
To ensure that your critical illness protection is valid, make sure that you include all relevant information on any illness you have experienced, however minor. This includes any investigative work or tests you have undertaken relating to your health and any discussions you have had with your doctor relating to your personal concerns.
If you do have any question over what details to include or the precise nature of any illness that you have experienced, talking to your GP about the finer details of any treatment or even taking a look at your personal medical records can ensure that your application is full and complete and that any future claim that you may make is valid.
Though critical illness insurance companies are not provided with direct access to your medical records at the time of a policy being taking out, if a claim is made then it is most likely the insurance provider will request to view your entire medical history at which time any discrepancy can come to light.
Such a critical period in your life is not the point at which you want to discover that a lack of attention to detail on the application has lead to a policy which will not provide the cover you so desperately need. So take that extra time on your application and make sure your medical history details are full and complete.
Critical Illness Cover is becoming essential for many individuals as it provides the financial support required to ensure that your standard of living, and that of any dependants, can continue should you be diagnosed with a serious or critical illness.
However as the popularity of such policies increases so does the sophistication with which the application has to be made. If you are concerned about your application or feel that there may be information that you should have included in your policy then contact your insurance provider today and make the necessary revisions.
Including extra information on your critical illness cover does not always mean that the cost of your insurance will increase. In some cases further details can actually lead to policy prices going down. However, even if your premium will be slightly higher when your full medical history is disclosed, this is far better than information coming to light at the time of a claim and you find out that the premiums you have been paying suddenly become worthless.